Poland FarmerPoland Farmer

Several thousand Polish farmers gathered in Warsaw to protest against EU climate policies and the import of agricultural goods from Ukraine.

This marks the largest demonstration in the ongoing series of farmer protests in Poland. The event saw participation not only from Poland farmers but also from counterparts in other EU nations, accompanied by Polish miners and hunters.

During the protest, red and white Polish flags were prominently waved, and banners conveyed messages such as “Without us, you will be hungry, naked, and sober” and “I am a farmer, not a slave.”

Some banners expressed concerns about Ukrainian imports, with one cautioning against consuming goods from Ukraine for the sake of family health.

Poland Farmers
Poland Farmer Protest

Another banner, less diplomatically, conveyed dissatisfaction with what was perceived as ingratitude from Ukrainians. It said “Enough hospitality towards ungrateful sons of bitches” and showed a Ukrainian being kicked out of Poland.

The march commenced near Warsaw’s Palace of Science and Culture, leading towards the parliament and the prime minister’s chancellery.

The farmers insisted that authorities address their concerns, which involve reconsidering restrictions on agriculture outlined in the EU’s “Green Deal” climate package and imposing stricter limitations on agricultural imports from Ukraine.

Prior to the protest, organizers announced the expected participation of 10,000 Poland farmers. Media footage displayed sizable crowds in Warsaw’s city center, and Mayor Rafał Trzaskowski confirmed an estimated attendance of around 10,000 Poland Farmers at the demonstration.

During the protest, a farmer highlighted the impact of Ukraine’s agricultural product supply, stating, “We are under pressure from Ukraine’s supply of agricultural products of all kinds. They have pushed down the prices of our crops so that we are making a loss,” as conveyed to broadcaster TVP.

Prime Minister Donald Tusk, currently attending a Visegrad Group summit in Prague, acknowledged the farmers’ demands. He pledged to take action, particularly addressing concerns related to trade with Ukraine. Tusk recognized the pragmatic view of the EU’s free trade decision with Ukraine, acknowledging its adverse effects on local markets.

Agriculture Minister Czesław Siekierski criticized the European Commission, stating that “excessive, unreasonable, costly Green Deal requirements” had been imposed, as reported by TVN. While the Commission had already announced certain concessions, such as withdrawing compulsory fallowing and reducing pesticide use, farmers remained dissatisfied, demanding permanent changes.

Protest leader Sławomir Izdebski emphasized their refusal to accept temporary suspensions of regulations, asserting that permanency was essential to prevent potential reinstatements by the European Commission. Similar protests have unfolded in various EU countries in recent weeks, indicating widespread discontent.

Notesfrompoland was refered for this article.

By Jammy

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