Maun Vrat & Silence

In today’s world, where noise and distractions seem to be everywhere, silence holds a special significance. Think about it like this: silence is like a calm oasis in the midst of a bustling city. It gives us a chance to pause, catch our breath, and truly connect with ourselves.

In a world where we’re bombarded with notifications, emails, and constant chatter, silence allows us to step back and find clarity. It’s in those quiet moments that we can truly listen to our own thoughts and feelings, without the constant buzz of outside influences.

Silence also helps us recharge and rejuvenate. Just like how a good night’s sleep restores our energy, moments of silence can refresh our minds and spirits. It’s like hitting the reset button on a busy day, giving us the space we need to tackle whatever comes next.

But perhaps most importantly, silence gives us the opportunity to appreciate the world around us. When we’re not constantly talking or listening to noise, we can truly take in the beauty of our surroundings—the chirping of birds, the rustling of leaves, or the gentle hum of everyday life.

What is Maun Vrat?

The term “Maun Vrat” translates to “vow of silence” in English. “Maun” means silence, and “Vrat” refers to a vow or religious observance. So, Maun Vrat is a practice where an individual voluntarily refrains from speaking or communicating verbally for a certain period of time as a form of spiritual discipline or meditation.

“Maun Vrat” refers to the practice of observing silence as a form of spiritual discipline or as part of a religious ritual. In various religious traditions, observing silence for a specific period is considered a way to cultivate inner peace, discipline the mind, and deepen one’s spiritual connection.

During Maun Vrat, individuals abstain from speaking, both verbally and non-verbally, for a designated period, which can range from a few hours to several days or even longer. This period of silence is often accompanied by introspection, meditation, and reflection on one’s thoughts and actions.

Singer LuLu’s practice of Silence

Recently, there was a revelation of famous singer LuLu about Silence which might surprise you.

Lulu & Maun Vrat & Silence

We know, Lulu likes to talk!

She’s so fond of chatting that she carries a mobile phone, adorned with a stylish case, around her neck. Just before our interview began, Sir Elton John FaceTimed her on that very device. Our conversation with Lulu ended up running a full 15 minutes longer than planned, thanks to her lengthy responses.

The 75-year-old has been giving interviews ahead of her upcoming retirement tour, and despite being most familiar for her song ‘Shout’, she has disclosed that she doesn’t even as much as whisper on the morning of a show.

She dropped a bombshell: “I don’t speak before 12 noon. I can see why you might think I’m joking,” she chuckles. “But it’s true. I’m quite disciplined about it.”

What she is referring to is her strict “on tour” regime, which means that she can’t whisper, let alone shout, before midday on show days.

“I try not to come out of my room until 12. It makes it easier. I take care of my instrument. It allows me to sing.”


Maun Vrat is believed to help practitioners develop self-control, improve concentration, and gain insight into their inner selves. It is seen as a way to quiet the mind, reduce distractions, and cultivate a sense of inner calm and tranquility.

In some spiritual traditions, Maun Vrat may be observed as part of a larger spiritual retreat or as a means of purifying the mind and body. It is seen as a way to detach from the external world and focus inwardly on spiritual growth and self-awareness.

Overall, Maun Vrat is a practice that encourages individuals to cultivate mindfulness, discipline, and inner peace through the power of silence.

By Jammy

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